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Living the Praxis for Care 

Appreciating the Simple Things as a Family Caregiver


I was in the grocery store the other day picking up a few things for dinner when I saw some peppers. They looked really bright and fresh, so I grabbed some.

After I got home, I could smell just how fresh they were. The smell of fresh peppers is one of my favorite things. It just takes me to a happy place and it doesn't matter whether they're hot peppers or sweet peppers, just the scent of those fresh peppers puts me in a peaceful place.

It's my form of aromatherapy.

Our sense of smell is often overlooked, but smells can be a very powerful tool in creating peaceful places. For retreating as a family caregiver, doing simple things to retreat from the demands of caring for a loved one is really important for including yourself in your care journey.

Simple things like filling your space with a scent that you love doesn't require a lot of thinking or and it doesn't require a lot of fancy equipment. It's something that can be done while you're doing something else.

For me and the peppers, I just like to smell them straight out of the bag and I can stand still for a few minutes and just enjoy that scent. I've learned on this journey to grab those peaceful moments whenever and however they happen.

Taking this care journey through dementia with my mom has really taught me the value of living in the moment. That's all she can do. And so I'm trying to mirror my life

with something very powerful that I didn't expect to learn that she is teaching me.

Smelling those peppers as I was preparing dinner reminded me the importance of kissing my life, and that is to keep it short and simple. Doing small, simple things are important details for creating a big picture of a happy life.

My encouragement for you this week is to enjoy the small moments that give you peace.

Thank you for reading. Be well.

Until next time.

-Dr. Sheri


Dr. Sheri L. Yarbrough is an author, caregiver, and founder of Praxis Senior Care-Giving Solutions, a consulting business that provides care-givers with practical and easily implemented strategies that can be tailored to meet their individual care needs.

View Dr. Yarbrough's weekly blog on all things caregiving from a caregiver's perspective.

Listen to Dr. Yarbrough's Podcast: Straight Talk for Giving-Care.


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